

First Name


Last Name




Professional Details

Professional Occupation

Addiction and Mental Health Counselor

Fluent Languages


Professional Bio

I work as an addiction and mental health counselor (along with co-occurring disorders) for a medication assisted treatment facility. I am passionate about helping assist people with the resources they need to be rehabilitated from my patient’s substance use disorders, mental health and personality struggles, trauma/grief recovery and co-occurring disorders in order to overcome barriers to obtaining upward mobility and opportunities, while treating all people with dignity and respect.

I obtained my BA in Clinical Psychology from the University of San Francisco and am a CSULB Master’s in Social Work with emphasis in Child and Family Well-Being candidate. My career trajectory is founded upon my goals of minimizing trauma and barriers and maximizing opportunity for all people to obtain more equitable opportunities they have either never been afforded or have lost due to their struggles surrounding mental health and addiction. I would like to see a world where all people are afforded the same opportunities while I make a rewarding living that helps support my family comfortably, as well as provides my son with every opportunity for stability, comfort, health, feelings of self worth and to pursue his own passions with as much time with his parents as possible.