Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress


Hope4Families June 16, 2022


Visualization is the practice of creating in your “mind’s eye” a fully detailed mental image of a calm and peaceful place. With eyes shut you may begin with visualizing small details and work up to a whole picture from top to bottom. Eventually you may extend the practice to being able to hold a complete picture in your mind. Your brain cannot tell the difference between a visualization experience and an actual experience of OK-ness. The ability to construct and work with images in your mind also offers potential for increased attention, awareness, and evolve brain functioning.

Visualization #1

Take a few moments to think about a place where you felt especially safe, relaxed, or content. It could be the beach, mountains, meadows, your childhood bedroom, or a remembered moment of deep relaxation and peace. It can be a real place, or you could just make one up. Close your eyes and try to see the shapes and colors of your place. Hear the sounds of your place: here the birds or waves or babbling water. Feel the temperature of your place – is it cold or warm? Feel the textures of whatever you touch in your special place. Make sure that everything in your special place makes you feel relaxed and safe. Change anything that doesn’t feel right.

Visualization #2

Observe an object within the range of your sight and notice that you can zoom in on a specific aspect of the object, or zoom out to see the big picture. When you shut your eyes, zoom in on various facets of your visualized image to see them more clearly, and then Zoom back out again. Switching between looking at the actual object and closing your eyes and focusing on the visualized image may help to improve your process. Begin with simple objects like the number ‘1’. Think about big red number ‘1’ on a large white poster board and focus on the precise shade of red. Then change to the number ‘2’ and in a moment, to ‘3’ and so on continuing sequentially as high as you want to go for now.

Once you feel comfortable with these simple visualization, why not give this one a try?
