Getting the Love You Want®: Couples Workshop
The Getting the Love You Want Workshop, based on Imago Relationship Therapy, gives couples the concepts and skills they need to co-create a safe relationship, experience and sustain deep connecting, and experience joyful aliveness. For this in-person workshop, couples must be vaccinated.
A transformative journey in a safe environment that guides couples to create satisfying and long-lasting relationships using practical tools and strategies. You’ll explore how to:
- Break destructive patterns of communicating
- Renew the passion and pleasure in your relationship
- Discover the root of your conflict and learn new conflict resolution strategies
- Experience individual reflection through written exercises and guided imagery
- Achieve a common vision of your dream relationship
- Recapture the love, laughter, and joy with enhanced closeness
The skills include 1) learning a new way to talk; 2) removing all negativity, and 3) practicing daily connecting behaviors which activate the innate healing powers of intimate partnership, transforming conflict in any relationship to connecting. The workshop runs from 9 am-6 pm both days with a 1.5 hour break for lunch.
Using the Imago Process, couples transform their unconscious relationship, in which they were opponents, to a conscious partnership in which they co-create their dream relationship. In the process of becoming connected to each other, partners experience connecting to a larger reality, which makes intimate partnership a spiritual path.
This workshop is also offered internationally by Imago certified workshop presenters. Given its worldwide distribution over the past thirty years, it has helped thousands of couples transform their relationship, their lives and improve their overall well-being.
Whether your relationship is new or old, whether in crisis or in love, whether you are married or unmarried, you are invited to attend this transformative workshop.
Attended by tens of thousands of couples all over the word, the” Getting The Love You Want” Weekend Workshop teaches you how to reconnect with your partner at a deeper level. Couples have the opportunity to create the trust, passion and intimacy that first brought you together. Discover a path of emotional healing and experience a deep level of empathy and connection. Based on the best-selling book, “Getting the Love You Want” by Dr. Harville Hendrix, Ph.D, and his wife Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., this weekend seminar is designed to support ALL couples (married, engaged, committed, struggling, etc.) to experience their relationship in a new way. Participants will learn and practice skills that interrupt conversational bad habits and reactive cycles that keep them from being able to be strong individuals in connection.